If you are a graduate student attending the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall 2013 meeting, please consider submitting an abstract to the session below called ‘Water Sciences Pop-Ups’. It is the first year this session will be held and it is our goal to empower effective science communication skills in early career scientists. For more information on the session or to volunteer for this event, please contact Sheila Saia (sms493@cornel.edu) or Mousa Diabat (diabatm@science.oregonstate.edu).
Session Number: ED024 -- Water Sciences Pop-Ups
This session provides students an opportunity to give a 5min presentation on their research and vision of the future of water sciences to a general audience. Abstracts should summarize the focus of their presentation. Students are encouraged to submit media, including video (1min max), photo, or other creative art form, to express the theme of their abstract. Text abstract must be submitted according to AGU deadlines. Media should be emailed by Sept 1 via preferred file type (first-last name in file label) to Mousa Diabat. Presenters will be selected by career stage and on content/style of abstract and media. All students who submit will be invited to a science communication workshop. Students will be contacted for permission to post media. Restricted to students.
Official AGU Session Link: https://fallmeeting.agu.org/2013/scientific-program/session-search/sessions/ed024-hydrology-pop-ups-2/
All the best,
Sheila & Mousa