Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Creating a Captivating Speech III: Prepare

Less than seven weeks before the Water Sciences Pop Up session on Monday, December 14!  Now that you've had a chance to learn more about the when and where of your talk, you can start preparing the details of it.

You can read a lot about preparing for your speech in this past post, but in general, this is a good time for you to think about the main points of your speech and how you will convey them.  You want to try to do this even before opening Powerpoint or some visual presentation software.  Get out a few sheets of scrap paper, find a quiet place, and start to think about:

(1) your three main points (or maybe even less if need be),
(2) your take-home message (one sentence that sums everything up you can say at the end), and
(3) what you will need to address your points (e.g. images, videos, recordings).

This article in Nature has a lot of other great tips on honing your message and being aware of jargon.  As the article says, be careful not keep your message focused.  It's easy to try to pack too much into a talk and run out of time.  For the Pop-Up talks you will only get 5 minutes so you have to make each visual count.

Once you have thought about your main points and your take-home message then you can think about how to break this down so each slide or visual plays a key role.  If you make a visual and you don't know what it's main message is and how it relates to your main points, remove it from your presentation.

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